When: Saturday; May 2, 2009; 12-4 p.m.
Where: Newsome High School Parking Lot
Cost: Free Admission to public; $2.00 parking donation.
Exhibitor Entry Fee: $15.00/exhibit; entry fee includes space for vehicle set-up.
•Antique, Classic, IMPORTS, Custom cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles and buggies will be on site for viewing.
•Concessions and BBQ dinners, Vendors, Silent Auction, and Door Prizes will be throughout day.
•Proceeds from show will benefit Newsome FFA and Make-A-Wish Foundation
•Trophies and awards will be given to best vehicles in show. Exhaust and stereo competitions on site.
•Exhibitor Check-in: May 2, 2009 10:30-11:45 a.m. Vehicles can be removed starting at 4 p.m.
Entries must be postmarked by April 21, 2009. Gate entries will be accepted, $20 late entry.
Please make all checks out to Newsome FFA.
Completed registration form along with check to:
Kelley Ware c/o Newsome High School
16550 Fishhawk Blvd
Lithia, FL. 33547
email Kelley at kelley.ware@sdhc.k12.fl.us for a registration form
If you have questions please contact Kelley Ware at (813) 740-4600 ext. 604
Where: Newsome High School Parking Lot
Cost: Free Admission to public; $2.00 parking donation.
Exhibitor Entry Fee: $15.00/exhibit; entry fee includes space for vehicle set-up.
•Antique, Classic, IMPORTS, Custom cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles and buggies will be on site for viewing.
•Concessions and BBQ dinners, Vendors, Silent Auction, and Door Prizes will be throughout day.
•Proceeds from show will benefit Newsome FFA and Make-A-Wish Foundation
•Trophies and awards will be given to best vehicles in show. Exhaust and stereo competitions on site.
•Exhibitor Check-in: May 2, 2009 10:30-11:45 a.m. Vehicles can be removed starting at 4 p.m.
Entries must be postmarked by April 21, 2009. Gate entries will be accepted, $20 late entry.
Please make all checks out to Newsome FFA.
Completed registration form along with check to:
Kelley Ware c/o Newsome High School
16550 Fishhawk Blvd
Lithia, FL. 33547
email Kelley at kelley.ware@sdhc.k12.fl.us for a registration form
If you have questions please contact Kelley Ware at (813) 740-4600 ext. 604