• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

chatroom night

Here's the chat log from tonight:
Welcome! You have entered [The Lobby] at 4:00 pm
[Rich Z] 4:01 pm: testing!
[The Lobby]: mrr23 has entered at 4:01 pm
[Rich Z] 4:01 pm: another color test
[mrr23] 4:01 pm: and i'm here!!
[Rich Z] 4:01 pm: Yay!
[mrr23] 4:01 pm: a good contrast
[Rich Z] 4:02 pm: Pink would probably look good, but, well, you know...... :)
[mrr23] 4:03 pm: yeah
[Rich Z] 4:03 pm: So you're looking at superchargers?
[mrr23] 4:03 pm: kinda have a green light on it
[mrr23] 4:03 pm: also looked at sts
[mrr23] 4:03 pm: but that's alot of work to put on
[Rich Z] 4:03 pm: Yeah, I went through the selection process myself when I was trying to decide.
[mrr23] 4:03 pm: little better power though
[mrr23] 4:04 pm: a&a and ecs so far
[mrr23] 4:04 pm: maggie easier but needs hood
[Rich Z] 4:04 pm: Not sure what is new right now that would make me decide differently.
[Rich Z] 4:05 pm: I heard they all had issues with throwing belts and being a real pain trying to put it back on while on the road.
[mrr23] 4:05 pm: maggie makes less
[Rich Z] 4:05 pm: Doesn't Edelbrock have a new unit that will fit under the hood?
[mrr23] 4:05 pm: maybe for c6
[mrr23] 4:06 pm: i had an idea about getting more people involved in chat night
[Rich Z] 4:06 pm: All things considered STS was the only one that made sense to me.
[mrr23] 4:06 pm: maybe look at he last ten people that logged in and send them an email
[mrr23] 4:06 pm: i like sts
[Rich Z] 4:06 pm: Probably need to have pics of nakid women to get others interested....
[mrr23] 4:07 pm: do small emails from the board
[mrr23] 4:07 pm: well you can make a private section ;P
[mrr23] 4:07 pm: :D
[Rich Z] 4:07 pm: There already is one. The Roadhouse forum..
[mrr23] 4:07 pm: tell them they can only get access if they chat at least once
[mrr23] 4:08 pm: oh well
[Rich Z] 4:08 pm: Hasn't been anyone in there lately, so it would be a hollow threat.
[mrr23] 4:08 pm: hehe
[Rich Z] 4:09 pm: Hooked up my wideband today so I can do some more logging tomorrow. Want to check on the changes I've done with PE.
[mrr23] 4:10 pm: seems you are definately getting it better
[Rich Z] 4:10 pm: Yeah, the throttle response has improved DRAMATICALLY. Actually surprised the heck out of me when I went out for a test drive.
[Rich Z] 4:11 pm: But I want to make sure AFR is not doing something out of kilter when PE kicks in at those lower revs.
[mrr23] 4:11 pm: i gathered that
[mrr23] 4:12 pm: yeah don't need to mess up the motor
[mrr23] 4:12 pm: especially number 7 cylinder
[Rich Z] 4:12 pm: I also want to see when boost kicks in. Seemed like it was coming on REAL early during my drive.
[Rich Z] 4:12 pm: I think the fuel system I worked out will help with #7. Should keep it from going lean on me.
[Rich Z] 4:14 pm: Plus I've got a dual fuel pump system with -8 tubing to keep fuel going to the cylinders.
[Rich Z] 4:15 pm: So back to the superchargers. Leaning towards one in particular?
[mrr23] 4:17 pm: a&a or ecs
[mrr23] 4:17 pm: teo best
[mrr23] 4:18 pm: no edelbrock for c5
[mrr23] 4:18 pm: two
[Rich Z] 4:18 pm: Never did understand why aftermarket manufacturers would ignore older models in favor of the newer ones.
[mrr23] 4:18 pm: c6 and c7
[Rich Z] 4:19 pm: Darn if I would want to void my warranty on that expensive new motor.
[Rich Z] 4:19 pm: There are a LOT of C5s out on the road.
[Rich Z] 4:20 pm: I guess if I had my arm twisted such that I HAD to pick a SC I would likely choose a maggie. Even with a new hood.
[mrr23] 4:21 pm: yeah i wouldnt mind
[mrr23] 4:21 pm: a couple places are doing a&a installed with tuning for 6000
[mrr23] 4:21 pm: found one here in florida
[Rich Z] 4:22 pm: Check the power band on whatever you look at. Is it going to put power where you want it to be?
[Rich Z] 4:22 pm: Make sure they know what they are doing. A WHOLE lot of shysters out there.
[Rich Z] 4:24 pm: A lot of them will just load in a tune that comes with the kit and call it a day.
[mrr23] 4:24 pm: i know the owner of next level performance here in orlando. i might ask if he'll do the same
[mrr23] 4:25 pm: he'd rather install a supercharger over and sts just due to ease
[mrr23] 4:25 pm: but he'll do either
[Rich Z] 4:25 pm: Yeah, but is it what YOU want for YOUR car?
[mrr23] 4:26 pm: i like the a&a just for the fact of open the hood and people gawk
[Rich Z] 4:26 pm: I've seen people downing STS, but from what I could tell, most never drove a car properly set up with one.
[mrr23] 4:26 pm: versus hey look under my rear bumper
[Rich Z] 4:26 pm: Heck, for that kind of appeal nothing is going to beat the maggie!
[mrr23] 4:26 pm: so i wrestle with vanity :grin:
[mrr23] 4:27 pm: i pick a&a over maggie due to over all power
[mrr23] 4:27 pm: been reading on corvette forum
[mrr23] 4:27 pm: and i've seen it personally
[mrr23] 4:27 pm: car went from amggie to centrifugal and made much more
[mrr23] 4:27 pm: about 30 rwhp
[Rich Z] 4:27 pm: Anyone who hears an STS system is going to know something is up. Pretty awesome sound.
[mrr23] 4:28 pm: there was a guy local to me when i had my formula that put an sts on
[mrr23] 4:28 pm: his vette
[mrr23] 4:28 pm: it's just all the piping and oil lines
[Rich Z] 4:28 pm: Yeah, but was the power in a band where it would be most fun to you? More power up at 5500+ rpm isn't where the fun will be at.
[Rich Z] 4:29 pm: You only live once, so get what you think will be BEST, not the easiest on the wrencher.
[mrr23] 4:30 pm: turbo is best overall i know
[mrr23] 4:30 pm: don't have to pin the crank
[mrr23] 4:30 pm: no belt slip issues
[Rich Z] 4:30 pm: That was the opinion I came to. But I didn't like all the heat that the front mounts would put under the hood.
[Rich Z] 4:31 pm: You really should pin the crank anyway. Sooner or later it's going to come loose.
[Rich Z] 4:31 pm: I don't know what GM just used a press on fit there.
[Rich Z] 4:31 pm: what = why
[mrr23] 4:31 pm: http://www.tpsmotorsports.com/upp-c5-1997-2004-corvette-twin-turbo-kit.html
[mrr23] 4:32 pm: upp turbo
[mrr23] 4:32 pm: don't care for it being next to the fender
[mrr23] 4:32 pm: i saw other pictures showing the oil lines running under the crossmember
[Rich Z] 4:33 pm: Yeah, I don't neither. Those suckers can get HOT. Been cases of them starting fires under the hood and melting crap.
[Rich Z] 4:33 pm: You would have to cover the turbos really well to keep the heat from causing problems down the road.
[Rich Z] 4:36 pm: Look at the pipes in this video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLlasRLIhDs
[mrr23] 4:36 pm: i've always been a nitrous person all my car life
[Rich Z] 4:36 pm: Never tried nitrous myself. Guess I heard to many horror stories about it, and it scared me.
[mrr23] 4:37 pm: yeah i was scared the first time i ever used it on my 79 z28
[mrr23] 4:37 pm: did it in 3rd gear auto first
[mrr23] 4:37 pm: then 2nd then 1st
[mrr23] 4:38 pm: you have a meth kit?
[mrr23] 4:38 pm: and that was back in the 90s
[Rich Z] 4:38 pm: Hah! Want something to stroke your vanity? Try this -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EaCnDCsslM
[Rich Z] 4:39 pm: Nope, no meth. I'm at 11.6 psi of boost, and haven't seen any need for it yet.
[mrr23] 4:40 pm: i had an engine book by s/a that showed a mtoor with all that on it
[Rich Z] 4:40 pm: Yeah, I guess there is no real reason why I couldn't put a maggie on my engine. But talk about overkill....
[mrr23] 4:42 pm: yeah
[Rich Z] 4:42 pm: Or I should say MORE overkill..... :D
[mrr23] 4:42 pm: you could use nitrous to cool down the intake charge say a 50 shot
[mrr23] 4:42 pm: but a meth kit might be cheaper
[Rich Z] 4:43 pm: Man, I dunno. That's even more plumbing to have to worry about. I'm not intending to put my car on the track, so I don't think it's necessary for the street.
[mrr23] 4:46 pm: guy here i aligned his vette has a meth kit in his. uses the washer fluid tank
[Rich Z] 4:47 pm: Yeah, I've heard of people doing that. So how does one KNOW they need meth anyway?
[mrr23] 4:49 pm: check for knock retard under full boost
[mrr23] 4:49 pm: keeps cylinder pressures down
[Rich Z] 4:50 pm: Well, I'm good then. That was something I was watching like a hawk when working on the tune. I thought my timing was really too far advanced, but not a peep out of the sensors.
[mrr23] 4:52 pm: you have any internals done to your car?
[mrr23] 4:52 pm: cam heads?
[Rich Z] 4:53 pm: The entire engine is custom by LME. Based on a RHS block. EVERYTHING, pretty much, is custom on that thing.
[mrr23] 4:53 pm: didn't know
[mrr23] 4:53 pm: have you posted about it?
[mrr23] 4:53 pm: guess i could search
[Rich Z] 4:54 pm: HAH! Make a BIG bowl of popcorn and allocate most of a day -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44697
[mrr23] 4:55 pm: over 101 pages
[mrr23] 4:55 pm: yeah it'll take awhile
[mrr23] 4:55 pm: is there a condensed list of what's done in there?
[mrr23] 4:56 pm: guess i coould post my 200 formula webpages
[Rich Z] 4:56 pm: Nope. Been meaning to do that, but not high on the priority list. But it's a saga, for certain.
[mrr23] 4:56 pm: 427
[Rich Z] 4:57 pm: Yeah. I felt that a Corvette HAS to have a 427 engine in it. Wish they had put one in the C7. It killed my desire for a ZR-1 when I found out that based it on the LS3 block.
[Rich Z] 4:58 pm: Short story is that two shops screwed me over big time. I brought the car home and figured out what I needed to do in order to fix the crap they did. Luckily I had a lift in my garage.
[Rich Z] 5:03 pm: Well, guess no one else is going to log in here. Time for me to spend some time with the wife watching Seinfeld reruns on DVD. Try to catch you again next week, I guess. Thanks....

Shame more of you can't find the time to join in..... :nonod:
so what should this thursday night discussion be about? i'm thinking because i don't know too many people on here, let's discuss what we do with our cars. daily drive? drag race? autocross? show car? then. we can expand our discussion through the coming weeks about each category and share some insights.
Not yet. Hopefully people will see this and when we hit a topic that interest them, they'll pop in. Like I suggested last time aybe ail the last ten people that logged in each day.
Is anyone at all interesting in having a chat night? If so, would a particular day of the week and time be better for you?
Looks like it's just going to be me and you being online penpals, I guess..
want to get an early start on what to maybe discuss this thursday night. making it a different day? time? winter driving? who stores versus drives?
Looks like we can choose our own topic(s). Again.... Maybe we should say we are going to exchange pics of naked women to get some others to drop on in...... :hehehe:
Chat log for 11-20-2014:

Welcome! You have entered [The Lobby] at 3:07 pm
[Rich Z] 3:07 pm: Hey!
[Rich Z] 3:09 pm: Bailed already?
[] 3:09 pm: and a hello to you
[Rich Z] 3:09 pm: Think we'll ever get anyone else to join us>
[] 3:09 pm: playing my facebook game awaiting others
[] 3:09 pm: hard to say
[Rich Z] 3:10 pm: I almost forgot. Was playing with a flight simulator for quadcopters.
[] 3:10 pm: i would send emails to the last people on the board in 24 hours thing
[] 3:10 pm: take a little work digging up their emails
[Rich Z] 3:10 pm: Got a small one and thinking about a larger one someday soon
[] 3:10 pm: hmm
[] 3:10 pm: i've been looking more into sts
[] 3:10 pm: hard to find a dealer
[] 3:11 pm: sts website lists 7600 for a setup
[Rich Z] 3:11 pm: I think if a really exciting topic was offered, maybe that would work. But a general invite? Not sure..
[Rich Z] 3:11 pm: I got mine from a guy in Georgia who bought it for a client who bailed out on it. I think the price was around $6K if I remember correctly.
[] 3:12 pm: eh staret somewhere. just email them with the link to the chatroom thread
[] 3:12 pm: invite them for their input
[Rich Z] 3:12 pm: Greg at AntiVenom installed the system for me.
[] 3:13 pm: place in bradenton will install and tune an A&A supercharger for 6k
[] 3:13 pm: for that price hard to beat
[Rich Z] 3:13 pm: I believe the price was something like $8K for the install and tune. Been a while, so details are fading.
[] 3:14 pm: i just can't justify 2k for about 30 more hp
[Rich Z] 3:15 pm: The centrifugal superchargers seemed to fill up the engine bay quite a bit. Won't things have to be relocated? A/C and/or alternator?
[] 3:16 pm: nope
[] 3:17 pm: http://www.aacorvette.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/kiwi-c5-z06.jpg
[Rich Z] 3:17 pm: I'm surprised. It sure looks crowded next to the engine.
[Rich Z] 3:18 pm: How much HP will the A&A add?
[] 3:18 pm: http://xtrememotorsportsracing.com/.../uploads/2012/05/aa_c5_sc_kit_02-1024x682.jpg
[] 3:19 pm: one car went from 317 to498
[] 3:19 pm: i have 317 now
[Rich Z] 3:20 pm: Seems to me I contacted A&A about that tubing going across the radiator when I was looking for a solution to my dilemma. I don
[] 3:20 pm: so about 180
[Rich Z] 3:20 pm: I don't recall them ever getting back to me.
[] 3:20 pm: and that SC is self contained
[Rich Z] 3:20 pm: That's a pretty good increase. Is it across the band or sharp peak at higher RPM?
[] 3:21 pm: i'd have to try and find the dyno
[] 3:21 pm: i'm it gets peaky in the upper rpms
[] 3:21 pm: im sure
[] 3:22 pm: Average increase TO THE REAR WHEELS is approximately 175 RWHP! No other modification, in this price range, even comes close
[Rich Z] 3:22 pm: I'd be curious to see if it suffers from heat soaking. Compressing air tends to get hot and metal casings will hold the heat. But I think any charger will do that.
[] 3:22 pm: cheapest i could get a SC was 5150
[] 3:22 pm: so 6k for that place to install and tune is a deal
[] 3:22 pm: comes with intercoole
[] 3:23 pm: can add meth kit
[Rich Z] 3:23 pm: $6K is the price for the hardware, install, and tune?
[] 3:23 pm: yep
[Rich Z] 3:24 pm: I need to look up what AntiVenom charged me for the install. Thinking about it $8K seems to be REALLY steep, so maybe I'm wrong...
[] 3:24 pm: http://www.corvetteforum.com/forums...rcharger-kits-installed-tuned-on-special.html
[] 3:24 pm: oops they are selling ECS
[Rich Z] 3:25 pm: Sheesh, that was too easy. Greg charged me $2400 to do the install and tune using the hardware I bought elsewhere. Likely it would have been cheaper as a package deal.
[] 3:25 pm: they use paxton where A&A uses vortech
[] 3:26 pm: east coast supercharging
[Rich Z] 3:26 pm: Oh, I also had a set of gauges and the pod installed too.
[] 3:27 pm: http://www.eastcoastsupercharging.c...ge=flypage.tpl&product_id=335&category_id=268
[] 3:27 pm: they sell for 5900
[] 3:27 pm: so 95 bucks i get the rest
[Rich Z] 3:27 pm: I guess you just need to make a grid of pluses and minuses and compare apples to apples in relation to what you want from it all.
[] 3:29 pm: so far the best overall
[Rich Z] 3:29 pm: I had my STS installed back in October, 2006 and all things considered, I think I would still go the same route if I had to do it all over again.
[] 3:29 pm: i'b be happy with either
[Rich Z] 3:29 pm: But I would probably install it myself this time around.
[] 3:31 pm: talked to local shop wanted about 1800 to install sts and 1200 to install SC
[] 3:32 pm: then i found that thread
[Rich Z] 3:34 pm: Maybe they'll give an even better price the closer it gets to Christmas and the end of the year.
[] 3:34 pm: of for 17.00 this http://www.ebay.com/itm/AIR-INTAKE-...Parts_Accessories&hash=item4627cb6abb&vxp=mtr
[] 3:35 pm: 115.00 this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Electric-El...Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c8b0ab3c1&vxp=mtr
[Rich Z] 3:35 pm: :clap: Looks like you found the best buck for the money right there..... LOL!
[Rich Z] 3:36 pm: Or is that bang for the buck? 8s
[] 3:36 pm: i might spring for the 115.00 one
[] 3:36 pm: looks more real
[] 3:36 pm: or get both and have sequential
[Rich Z] 3:37 pm: I wonder if anyone actually bought one of those things really expecting it to work?
[Rich Z] 3:37 pm: Might as well just go ahead and hook up a leaf blower to the throttle body input....
[] 3:38 pm: yess the import crowd is so gullible
[] 3:38 pm: omg did you ever see the video where some kids did the leaf blower
[] 3:38 pm: pickedup like 30 hp
[Rich Z] 3:39 pm: Actually I did. I think compressed air would also do the job. Probably some of the oomph from nitrous comes from the pressure boost.
[] 3:40 pm: ive been running nitrous ince around 1997
[Rich Z] 3:40 pm: Just never really had an interest in trying that myself.
[] 3:41 pm: it's fun
[] 3:41 pm: first car was 79 z28
[Rich Z] 3:42 pm: Yeah, probably so, but back in the old days I heard of too many people blowing the intake manifolds off of their engines using it. I'm sure things have changed since then, though.
[] 3:42 pm: so maybe since 1994
[Rich Z] 3:44 pm: Heck, why not put on a super charged, turbo charger AND use nitrous all at the same time? :evil:
[Rich Z] 3:44 pm: Probably would be interesting to tune something like that.
[] 3:46 pm: yeah trying to get teh female bank financing approval for that would be chore
[Rich Z] 3:47 pm: Surprisingly I haven't had to explain too much to the wife with these oddball things I've wanted to do. She still doesn't understand why I wanted to get rid of a perfectly good LS6 for that 427...
[] 3:48 pm: tell her is like shoes
[Rich Z] 3:48 pm: Hah! And I'd be hearing "Do you want to do price matching on that?"
[] 3:51 pm: just rying to relate dear
[] 3:51 pm: hows your wedding ring??
[] 3:51 pm: versus mine?
[Rich Z] 3:52 pm: Trust me, I don't want to get her thinking about cost comparisons. I would lose that argument, hands down. Heck, I don't even like to think about the expense I went through.....
[] 3:52 pm: speaking of here's my wedding ring
[] 3:52 pm: http://www.titanium-buzz.com/goodyear-tread-band.html
[] 3:52 pm: yeah you went trhe expensive route for sure
[Rich Z] 3:53 pm: Man, you ARE hard core, aren't you....
[Rich Z] 3:53 pm: The price wouldn't have been too bad if the first shop had delivered what they promised and I paid for.
[] 3:55 pm: yeah no doubt
[Rich Z] 3:56 pm: But I was driving the car yesterday and thinking "Damn this car drives nice now..." So I guess it worked out in the end. Still got an intermitten drive train squeel when it's cold, though. Sounds like maybe a torque tube bearing. But I'm just guessing.
[Rich Z] 3:58 pm: You know, I'm sitting here thinking "Did I disconnect the power to the wideband sensor after coming back from that ride yesterday?"
[] 3:59 pm: hey gotta run
[] 3:59 pm: talk to you again
[Rich Z] 3:59 pm: It plugs into my cigarette lighter, and I did leave it in once before. Killed the battery. So I'm goign to walk over to the garage and check on it. Yeah, I'm going to run too. Thanks!