retired mech engineer
congratulations AMERICA!:dancer01:
The Wicked Witch is dead, long live the King!
yes, I was very worried about the vote total being stolen,
by rigged and software modified voting machines,
I saw numerous people post that was an issue , that they saw,
my faith in the intelligence of the average man is partially restored.
but its obvious that the TRUMP vote totals must of been overwhelming.
you could see the news station people/news casters were surprised
,amazed, confused, (AND PISSED)
as they showed they were totally in HER pocket,
they could not at first accept the truth, that,
most people know and accepted the tidal, wave of documented, evidence,
that,she was and is overwhelmingly corrupt
Drain the SWAMP, of corrupt politicians:dancer01:
I'm sure that HILIARY was planing on stacking the Supreme court with several absurdly liberal activist judges, fully intent,
on destroying the current U.S. constitution,
that imminent potential disaster being for now avoided, and now
little or No chance for a liberal exclusive court either!
is a huge reason to celebrate!
it just gets better, and better.
plus you just know the local gunshops stacked up a huge inventory of ammo and rifles and magazines,
they fully intended to sell at a premium as millions of people panic,
if the wicked witch was elected,
that inventory glut now will sell at much more reasonable prices now that thre threat has been reduced.
and Id expect TRUMP to stop the liberal dream of stopping all coal mining in the U.S.A.
and flinging open the boarder to a flood of illegal immigrants
now the threat is obama and an avalance of executive orders to screw up AMERICA as much as he can while he still can, but almost all that can be recinded by TRUMP
I can,t help but wonder what will happen with the Clinton Foundation?
I think the legal avalanche should destroy that rather quickly as the vast amount of cash,
Their 'UNDER THE TABLE, FOREIGN donations' will dry up.
AS She no longer has nearly the same or any potential political influence to pedal,
and BOTH THE CLINTONS, won,t be above the law,with procecuters,both federal and state,no longer, being afraid to touch the SWAMPS MEMBERS,
so all those big corporations and foreign governments will take their big donations/ BRIBES elsewhere.
The Wicked Witch is dead, long live the King!
yes, I was very worried about the vote total being stolen,
by rigged and software modified voting machines,
I saw numerous people post that was an issue , that they saw,
my faith in the intelligence of the average man is partially restored.
but its obvious that the TRUMP vote totals must of been overwhelming.
you could see the news station people/news casters were surprised
,amazed, confused, (AND PISSED)
as they showed they were totally in HER pocket,
they could not at first accept the truth, that,
most people know and accepted the tidal, wave of documented, evidence,
that,she was and is overwhelmingly corrupt
Drain the SWAMP, of corrupt politicians:dancer01:
I'm sure that HILIARY was planing on stacking the Supreme court with several absurdly liberal activist judges, fully intent,
on destroying the current U.S. constitution,
that imminent potential disaster being for now avoided, and now
little or No chance for a liberal exclusive court either!
is a huge reason to celebrate!
it just gets better, and better.
plus you just know the local gunshops stacked up a huge inventory of ammo and rifles and magazines,
they fully intended to sell at a premium as millions of people panic,
if the wicked witch was elected,
that inventory glut now will sell at much more reasonable prices now that thre threat has been reduced.
and Id expect TRUMP to stop the liberal dream of stopping all coal mining in the U.S.A.
and flinging open the boarder to a flood of illegal immigrants
now the threat is obama and an avalance of executive orders to screw up AMERICA as much as he can while he still can, but almost all that can be recinded by TRUMP
I can,t help but wonder what will happen with the Clinton Foundation?
I think the legal avalanche should destroy that rather quickly as the vast amount of cash,
Their 'UNDER THE TABLE, FOREIGN donations' will dry up.
AS She no longer has nearly the same or any potential political influence to pedal,
and BOTH THE CLINTONS, won,t be above the law,with procecuters,both federal and state,no longer, being afraid to touch the SWAMPS MEMBERS,
so all those big corporations and foreign governments will take their big donations/ BRIBES elsewhere.