There is much truth in this. We have had issues even getting fuel filters on the road and finding enough synthetic oil (11 gallons) to do an oil change on the past year or so. And it's hard to find the premium Fleetguard filters we use. It's gotten to where our shop issues fuel filters to keep on the truck so we have them if we can't find any at the various shops we occasionally use.
Our company buys everything in bulk for the two shops and we prefer to have all PM done in house anyway as it saves money and we know the guys that run the shop tend to do things right. They will actually deadhead us to the shop for PM and other repairs. We are fortunate that our trucks are mostly all 2020 or newer and we get new ones every three years so parts issues really isn't a problem for us. We use the best of everything. Michelin tires on trucks and trailers, disc brakes all around, fuel filters changed every 15K miles, oil changes with Delo full synthetic every 30K miles, where as many other companies do oil changes at 75K-100K miles.
We are very lucky, blessed actually. While many other companies are struggling with the high fuel cost and supply chain woes we are a specialty company that hauls critical temperature controlled pharmaceuticals and like supplies and equipment. Even COVID vaccines and test kits. We also transport blood across the country along with experimental drugs and vaccines. We are quite literally recession proof.
We often don't know what we are transporting
but we occasionally see the invoices that are literally in the millions of dollars. We have hauled a package the size of a shoe box from California to Canada that had a $700K value. Hauled in the back of a refrigerated 53 foot trailer. Money is not a concern of our clients. I don't know what we charge for our services but based on what they pay us, it's stupid amounts of money. My wife and I EACH make over six figures annually now. We are on a dedicated route now that starts on Monday mornings and gets us home before dark on Thursday. We still pinch ourselves to make sure this isn't a dream.
Our company and two others were bought out by a Healthcare company about a year ago. The families that owned us still call the shots and still run the business but absolutely nothing has changed other than our pay has gotten better. (and it was already very good) This company was smart. They can insure that their products will always have transportation and they have the money to make sure of that.
I am not at liberty to reveal any names of the companies involved but I am certainly glad I work for them. They're definitely making our dreams come true.
One thing on the horizon of concern though, the FMCSA has stated that they are looking to electronically control the speed of our trucks in the near future. They haven't yet decided what that speed will be, either 68, 65, or 60 mph. Our trucks run 72 mph. If you think the supply chain has problems now, just wait until this is implemented. Drivers generally get paid by the mile. MPH equals money. With all the other issues and now you cut a drivers ability to earn money by cutting their speed?! You will see many independent truckers leave the industry. And all the rest of us will be lined up like a train on the tracks, unable to pass each other. Gridlock on the interstates!
All of the afore mentioned trucking issues will hurt the independent truckers more so than the big companies. They can't absorb what the big companies can. And quite a few companies that don't have solid finances will fail also. It's coming.