From the news story said:Police did not anticipate any charges against McNally.
Well technically the father didn't kill him. The guy had a heart attack while being subdued so therefore the father is not a killer at all, a sexual deviant is dead and a young life spared.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Justice was served but I wonder about the psychological trauma to the daughter now and in the future.
Why not have a law castrating these sexual perverts after the first time? :shrug01:
I don't see this working for rape is not an act of sex but one of violence.
But I do agree, that for once the good guys did win the situation
The link didn't work for me.
Crimes against a child should be punished with extreme prejudice. Punishment should be swift and executed so all of those other scumbags that haven't crossed the line can **** themselves and thank God they have been able to stay on that side of the line. I understand that mistakes are made and I wouldn't want to punish the wrong person but those caught dead to rights should be punished and swiftly.
There are websites you can go find sex offenders on a map. The 10 mile radius around my house looks like chicken pox.