• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Tuning log for the C5Z

08-02-2013 - Tune #0003

Logged on 08-06

{B0101} Main VE Table
Copied and pasted w/multiply from MAP E (filtered) and smoothed

{B3647} - All 0.99 cells changed to 0.994

{B5935} and {B5936} - copied from tune #0025
08-06-2013 - Tune #0004

Logged on 08-12

{B0101} Main VE Table
Data from MAP E, smoothed high spots

Copied 105 kPa column to {A0009}

**From last tune log, frame 14651 shows a hiccup. 150 kPa suddenly dropped to 113 kPa.

Copied misfire tables from stock Z06 tune:

**Referencing log file:

Frame 11340 - going into boost

4703 rpm - 48% throttle - 69.0 kPa
4706 rpm - 81% throttle - 88.0 kPa
4895 rpm - 97% throttle - 150 kPa
5501 rpm - 55% throttle - 112 kPa
5531 rpm - 100% throttle - 144 kPa
08-14-2013 - Tune #0005

Loaded into PCM on 08-30

Logged on 09-04

{B0101} and {A0009} - calibration data from MAP E
09-04-2013 - Tune #0006

Logged on 09-06

{B0101} - adjusted from MAP, no filter, smoothed over empty MAP cells
09-06-2013 - Tune #0007

Logged on 09-07

{B0101} - modified from MAP, no filter

{A0009} - smoothed over unmapped cells

*Extensive spot smoothing done to both tables
09-07-2013 - Tune #0009

Logged on 09-18

{B0101} - adjusted

{A0009} - adjusted

Both had spot smoothing done.

**Good low speed acceleration.
09-19-2013 - Tune #0010_CL

{B3647} Commanded Fuel vs RPM
Changed all 0.99 to 1.00

{B3801} LTFT Correction
Set to enable

{B3802} Minimum Coolant Temp to Enable LTFT
Changed from 284 to 131

{B4108} STFT Idle Enable
Changed to enable

Use A_02 PID file

{B3313} DFCO Temp Enable
Changed from 284 to 158

**PE not enabled yet!
09-20-2013 - Tune #0011_CL

Logged on 09-27

{B4205} Closed Loop Temp Enable
Copied from stock Z06 tune

{B0107} Max Speed for Idle Mode
Changed from 0 to 5

{B4601} Max Idle RPM in Gear
Changed from 1200 to 900

{B4603} Desired Idle Speeds
Copied from stock Z06 tune

{B4522} Stall Saver RPM

*Copied all values from Idle/Learning Parameters from stock Z06 tune

{B4115} STFT Max Correction
Changed from 1.25 to 1.10

{B4116} STFT Min Correction
Changed from 0.75 to 0.90

**Check {B4307}

{B0101} - adjusted from MAP E

** Goes into boost at frame 15363 in log file
09-28-2013 - Tune #0012_CL

Logged on 10-01

{A0009} - adjusted and smoothed

{B4307} Desired Airflow
Reduced by 20%

{B4603} Desired Idle Speeds
Reduced by 20%

**Boost run starts at frame 11920
10-01-2013 - Tune #0013_CL

Logged on 10-02

{B3613} PE Map Threshold
Changed from 110 to 90

{B3616} Normal PE Mode Enable
Sloped from 1600 thru 4800

{B4603} Desired Idle Speeds
Increased 111 thru 284 7%

{B4307} Desired Airflow
Increased by 5%

Adjusted {B0101} and {A0009}

**Idles higher when AC is off
10-02-2013 - Tune #0014_CL

{B0101} - Smoothed cells from 800 to 3600 rpm, 25 kPa to 40 kPa

{A0009} - Smoothed cells.
Increased values at overboost levels to keep it from going too lean if that were to occur.

{B4601} Max Idle RPM in Gear
Changed from 900 to 850

{B4603} Desired Idle Speed
Lowered values in In Gear A/C off
133 to 284 ECT changed from 770 to 720
10-03-2013 - Tune #0015_CL

{B4603} - raised 720 to 650 rpm

{B1905} Stall Speed
Changed from 3000 to 550


Stock LS6 throttle body = 75mm (2.9528"), area = 6.8479"
Stock LS7 throttle body = 90mm (3.5433"), area = 9.8606"

{B4349} ETC Throttle Area Conversion
Changed from 0.0330 to 0.0157

{B4307} Desired Airflow
Change 154 thru 284, increased 5%

{B4403} IAC effective Area
Zeroed to 180 (lower down).
Pasted 14 to 114 lower cells
**Wish I could remember what the above means.... :rolleyes:
10-04-2013 - Tune #0016_CL
Reverted back to tune #0013_CL

Copied {A0009} and {B0101} from tune #0014_CL

{B4108} STFT Idle Enable

{B3801} LTFT Correction

{B3647} - disabled STFT in lower RPM range

{B4115} STFT Max Correction
Changed from 1.10 to 1.05

{B4116} STFT Min Correction
Changed from 0.90 to 0.95
10-05-2013 - Tune #0018_CL

{B3647} - went to closed loop

{B3201} Initial Fuel Prime
68 thru 133 raised slightly

{B3203} Initial Fuel Prime Timer
9 thru 284 lowered

{B4307} Desired Airflow
90 thru 284 increased 5%
10-07-2103 - Tune #0019_CL

Logged 10-09

{B4504} Airflow Learning Control Delay
Changed from 0.6 to 4.3

{B4505} Airflow Direct Speed Control Delay
Changed from 1.3 to 0.3

{B4324} Idle Learn Drive Limit High
Changed from 0.40 to 3.00

{B4325} Idle Learn Drive Limit Low
Changed from -0.40 to -3.00

{B4329} Idle Learn drive A/C On Limit High
Changed from 0.07 to 3.00

{B4328} Idle Learn Drive A/C On Limit Low
Changed from 0.05 to 0.00

{B4307} Desired Airflow
Copied from tune #0007
10-09-2013 - Tune #0020_CL

Logged 10-11

**Last tune is running rich at idle.

**Still surging at low rpm.

{B0101} Main VE Table
Reduced rows 400 thru 1200 5%
Smoothed row 1600
Reduced all cells at idle levels and smoothed.
10-11-2013 - Tune #0021_CL

Logged on 10-11

{B0101} Main VE TABLE
Raised rows 400 thru 1200 2%
10-12-2013 - Tune #0022_CL

Logged on 10-12

{B5932} Base Spark In Gear
Copied 400 thru 1200 from Hi-Octane table

{B4601} Max Idle RPM In Gear
Changed from 900 to 1200

{B4307} Desired Airflow
176 thru 284 raised 10%

{B4603} Desired Idle Speeds
Coped from stock Z06 tune.
10-13-2013 - Tune #0023_CL

Logged on 10-13

{B5932} Base Spark In Gear
Coped from stock Z06 tune

**Stalls at startup when accelerator is tapped