• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Micanopy, FL


Well, RichZ and his lovely wife ConnieZ:D met up with Angel (TxMomma) and I in Micanopy yesterday (Sat). If ya's don't know...Micanopy is where Doc Hollywood, starring Michael J Fox was filmed (or at least part of it was).
We did some Antique shopping, ate at a hole in the wall cafe, checked out the scenery, told some lies and got some Ice cream. It was a fun day in a quiet little town!:thumbsup:
I took a few pictures as did Rich.
Here's Rich blocking my shot of the garage that's in the movie...

Here's the only Bed and Breakfast (the only place to stay)in town...

Here's a pic down the main drag...

Here's a pic of my toy...

A pic of Rich's toy and some other guys Vette...

pic of another street there...

Nice pics! Spanish moss on all the trees, looks nice. Looks like there were people dressed in suits at the bed and breakfast. Something special going on?
Nice pix, and a nice day by the sound of it:) ! Looks like the weather might have been a L-I-T-T-L-E cool though:yesnod: .
OK Ray.......I give up:giveup: .....as a "Northern" boy and a part time snow bird (for now), I was curious as to where Micanopy, FL was located so I broke out the old atlas. Guess what !!!!!? It ain't listed in my atlas, so either you or RichZ are gonna have to enlighten me! (Please????)
Never mind!!!!! I google mapped it and found out where it iz!
Micanopy is just south of Gainesville on route 441.

Ray, how come you didn't get a photo of that pretty blue shi.., uh, car that was directly in front of you that everyone was looking at..... :lmao:
:thinkin: Cuz, I was afraid everyone here would:crazy03: drool over it instead of my Vette, like they seemed to do there.:sillyme: :lmao:

2Vettes said:
Nice pics! Looks like there were people dressed in suits at the bed and breakfast. Something special going on?
:wavey: They had a wedding going on while we were there.

Funny...There was a few OLD rusted cars in this yard (field) and I assume the groom wanted to have a few wedding photos done by them, so off they went. The bride was a real trooper, she hiked up her gown and marched over to the area with the cars, heels and all.:eek:

Nice pic's. Might have to check it out the next time I am up that way. Enjoyed the movie, seeing town will be cool.
Hey RichZ...

That house we looked at that was for sale, it's being sold for $860,000 plus.:eek: You's can have it!:rofl1: It has 6 acres.

OMG! I totally been to Micanopy several times. Did some boating out that way. Haven't been there in years. Still looks exactly the same according to those pics. One street is downtown. LOL!

I see you got some ice cream. I guess that ice cream parlor on the end of the building is still there.

By the way, regarding that Cafe Risque photo that was put up. That place helped a lot of college girls fund their tuition at school! LOL!!!!!! I take it you were a shareholder! LOL!
ynkedad said:
That house we looked at that was for sale, it's being sold for $860,000 plus.:eek: You's can have it!:rofl1: It has 6 acres.


Ouch! Naw man, we'll pass. Lordy, I wonder what our spread is worth up here below Tallahassee.. Our house isn't as big or as nice, but we do have nearly 50 acres. :thumbsup:

BTW, here's a few pics I took at Micanopy...






I also took some video, but so far I haven't even attempted to figure out how to convert the high definition video into something compatible to post on the web...... :eek:
ynkedad said:
:toetap05: your pics look better than mine!

Actually, I thought the opposite. I don't think that digicam of mine takes very good still pics. The details aren't as crisp as I like them, which really isn't too big of an issue with videos. I just think you need to underexpose your pics just a hair. That will give a bit more color saturation.

I don't have any idea why those reflection highlights are starburst like they are. I have a filter on the front of the lens, which may explain that. Actually it may also explain the lack of detail sharpness as well.... Duh.... :banghead:
Rich, I like the shot of your Z with the sunlight dazzle! Very nice. Who had the vette in front of your car? It has the wagon wheels so it must be pre-2000
2Vettes said:
Rich, I like the shot of your Z with the sunlight dazzle! Very nice. Who had the vette in front of your car? It has the wagon wheels so it must be pre-2000

Yeah, it was kind of odd. Connie and I get there and parked waiting for Ray and Angel to show up. When we say this black vette circle around to park in front of us, we thought it was them. But it was a C5 instead. There were actually a few other vettes in and out there all day that day.

As for that sunlight dazzle, that filter on my camera is supposed to just be a UV filter and NOT produce that kind of effect. There are special filters made with cross screen hatching in them to produce this sort of effect, however. Maybe I need to look more closely at that filter. Those crosshatch filters WILL soften the image somewhat....... :shrug01:
I'm spending the night at the Herlong Mansion next Tuesday the 6th of March. Thought it might be neat for a night and I'd like to see Micanopy. I'm in a see uncrowded Florida while it's still there phase.
