• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Illegal imigrant tennants


Junkyard dog
I have a suspicion that my existing tennants might be illegals..Is it legal for me to ask for proof of legality and if not am I in violation of law as a landlord of same????
if they are working,paying theyre bills and trying to be productive citizens and love this country ,what does it matter?if they are riding the system,collecting welfair, afdc food stamps or on any government program, or you hear the words it was better in my country give them the boot.just my 2 cents
coolassbrad said:
if they are working,paying theyre bills and trying to be productive citizens and love this country ,what does it matter?if they are riding the system,collecting welfair, afdc food stamps or on any government program, or you hear the words it was better in my country give them the boot.just my 2 cents


Daffy said:
I have a suspicion that my existing tennants might be illegals..Is it legal for me to ask for proof of legality and if not am I in violation of law as a landlord of same????

What was it that lead you to the suspicion? I ask, because if there's reason to believe they're illegal, you could always call immigration (anonymously), and have them check it out for you.

If they're Illegal, they're not paying taxes, they're on the road (driving) illegally without insurance etc, getting medical attention (if needed) at OUR expense.
They Need To Go !
If they want to be here, they need to do it legally. Get a Visa, become a citizen, pay taxes and share some of the burden and responsibilities that "most" of our citizens face. How can one say I love this Country, yet be here illegally:confused: .
There's enough Loafers and Leaches in the US as it is (the ones born here that we're stuck with), we don't need to add to the #'s by allowing Illegals to stay here as well. Sure, they might be working, but they're Not "Contributing" or abiding by the same rules, or laws that you and I have to abide by.:nonod:
Again..Just My Opinion..:thumbsup:

Yeah, I agree with Ray. If a person will violate the immigration laws, why would they be reluctant to violate other laws as well? It sets a bad precedent to allow that sort of thing to continue unabated.

I would call INS if it were me and lay it on their lap.
Do you have a lease? Ask them for a Soc. Sec.#.. or a drivers lic.......I have also used these people.
Tenant Check....727-938-5532 (they may have a 1-800 num. also)..Just some ideas.....:)
coolassbrad said:
if they are working,paying theyre bills and trying to be productive citizens and love this country ,what does it matter?if
It matters because they are in violation of our Immigration laws. There are thousands of prospective Immigrants who are overseas going through the visa application system and waiting for the opportunity to come here legally.
:yesnod: If they are illegal they need to go...Call imigration and have them checked out..These illegal/unlawful aliens are creating a terrible drain on our economy and our society as a whole.As far as I am concerened the people that hire them are just as bad as the unlawfuls. If they had no work they would stay home.Also if they had no where to live they wouldn't stay long.
ZEEEE06 said:
It matters because they are in violation of our Immigration laws. There are thousands of prospective Immigrants who are overseas going through the visa application system and waiting for the opportunity to come here legally.

+1 to that!
If we threw them out the wages would come up so that American workers would do this and many other jobs. Congress felt they had to raise the minimum wage, why because the mexicans work for nothing and screw things up for americans who want to work and can't make a living.I know a guy that is a chef and his wages have gone down steadily in the last 5 years because the Resturants are hiring illegalls to work in the kitchens.Same with roofers, laborers ,plumbers helpers, stucco, concrete work, electricians helpers, carpenters helpers and I could go on all day.That is why we need the immigration process to be a legal and orderly one.Americans need to wake up before it is to late to save this country if it isn't already...
coolassbrad said:
if we throw them all out whos gonna pick strawberrys.:shrug01:

all other perishables as well as everything having to do with the hotel and service industries. Whatever is done needs to be done in a gradual manner otherwise you could end up with a nationwide depression. Remember that once wages go up for all of these jobs that they will leave behind, so does your cost of living. Everything will increase two fold. Cooler heads need to prevail with regards to this issue. Just my $.02.
als2052 said:
Whatever is done needs to be done in a gradual manner otherwise you could end up with a nationwide depression. QUOTE]

When have you known the Government to do ANYTHING in a speed, faster than a "Gradual Manner"?:rofl1: Typically its Snail Ass Slow!:hehehe:
I don't mind paying a little more for my fruits and vegatables if that is what it takes. The cut in taxes that we would recievewould more than pay for it..These illegals are in every emergency room in the country getting free medical care while the taxpayers are picking up the tab.They use the E-rooms for well baby visits to the flu and everything in between. I have seen it with my own eyes.In the meantime if you are a property owner the first thing the nurse says what is your ins. company, or how are you going to pay!The crime rate jumps in leaps and bounds when they infiltrate an area and that costs me as a taxpayer many dollars a year. And only about 25% of the crime in thier areas are reported.Legal immigration is good for this country,ILLEGAL/ UNLAWFUL IMIGRATION IS NOT!This illegal immigration is nothing more than modern day slavery!
buy these illeagles that you complain about are no different from the millions of useless americans that ride the system for free housing food electric whatever they can get.i met several people who explained how they work the system.example betty has 5 children by 4 different daddys she rents a 4 bedroom 2 bath house in a middle class neighborhood.the rent is 1200 per month section 8 pays 1000 of it to the landlord she is responsable for 200 of it.she gets a large discount on electric it usually runs 50 a month but allthe lights and tv stay on all day and its 70 degrees in there.she has a nice car 2005 accord how does she pay for it with no job?she has a live in boyfriend who makes 500 a week,but she claims no man in the house to recieve benifits from the state.she recieves child support for 3 of the kids afdc pays support for the other 2.she gets medicade and food stamps.theyre is also a food bank that she gets to go to monthly.she has nicer furniture than most of my friends and a better tv than anyone i know.i asked her how she learned to work the system she told us her mother taught her neither of them have ever worked a day in theyre life.these people dont want to work they drag us down as a nation we should start with them,
To an extent I agree with you these people are dragging us down..But they are AMERICANS..ISNT'T IT BAD ENOUGH WE HAVE OUR OWN PEOPLE DRAGGING US DOWN?Do we need foreigners to do it also? I think not!
88vert said:
(1) I don't mind paying a little more for my fruits and vegatables if that is what it takes. The cut in taxes that we would recievewould more than pay for it. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

(2) This illegal immigration is nothing more than modern day slavery!
I disagree to a point with this statement. The $$ they make here, even know it's "chump change to most of us" is better than what they make where they're from.
Hell, the illegals I knew when I lived in TX were sending $$ home to their families, bragging how well they live there when they go back for "vacation". IMO (based on what I've seen and been told by Illegals)...They're living high off the hog Collectively speaking. Typically (again..from what I've seen) one rents a place and 2,3,5,10 others live there.They're all splitting the cost for Everything from gas $, to grocery bills, eletric, rent etc...

NOT TO MENTION... If they wanted to make NORMAL wages (like American citizens), all they have to do is become a citizen like so many others.

Instead...THEY choose NOT to. They choose to come over here illegally, thus, THEY choose to live the way they do. If it's "Modern Day Slavery", they wouldn't have the choices they do.

To conclude my blabbering...:D
No one has forced them. How do I know? Well, just look at how many get busted and sent back to their country, then risk everything to Sneak or get smuggled back over to this one, Only to go back to work at the same place, making the same $$$. If it was so bad, they wouldn't come back.:NoNo:


They usually have their renting process done through someone that is legal, everything will be in their name.
My father has to deal with this all the time, usually a white crew leaders son will come up and rent the place, and week later there are 20 illegal living in a 2 bedroom.

Right now most of you know that Greg and I have lovely neighbors like this that throw huge parties in huge numbers with a disco ball and all on little holidays like Christmas eve, and the place of residence is so crowded that the little laqwnmover sheds are now homes and fit three to four each!