How did your delivery go?
Ours didn't go so well. They put the storm door, which was simply in a cardboard box, on a flat bed 16 wheeler and then drove it all over and into Georgia before coming down here. They laid it FLAT on the floor of the flatbed, and from what I have heard, that is not good for a storm door to be laid like that for any length of time. The truck made it's first delivery just after 6am and didn't get here till about 6:15PM. So the full glass storm door was bouncing around on the bed of that truck for 12 hours. And they forgot to send the door handle that I had to order extra with that door. And that dry spell we have been having lately? It broke today, and of course it was pouring down raining when the delivery showed up at the end of our driveway. So the cardboard box was soaking wet. And already mushy and beginning to separate and coming apart. Along with the other noted issues, I just rejected the delivery entirely. Yeah the door is aluminum, but the hardware isn't and I just did not want things getting prematurely rusty after I got it hung on the front door frame. That box couldn't have been any wetter if it were under water. For the $79 delivery fee I paid, I expected better than that. I thought it would be delivered in a covered truck, not some open flat bed.
So I'm figuring it won't be any worse just picking it up in Connie's pickup truck. I contacted them via online chat and they will refund the delivery fee when we pick up the door and handle. Of course, I fully expect to show up there an no one will know a thing about this whole affair.
So we waited around all day for nothing. Well, at least I did get the oil and filter changed in the Jeep, so I did get something accomplished.
Now our biggest challenge will be to get that storm door hung while trying not to be eaten alive by the yellow flies. The last two years we were in Sanibel while the yellow flies were running rampant. It appears that they are trying to make up for lost time. They are not fooling around, and just zoom in and BITE. I had one chew on my arm and when I swatted it, it spurted out what looked like a few ounces of my blood.
Got the scope fine, but rained here today and looks cloudy for a week.
I hate them deer flies or yellow flies. I am by a marsh with saw grass on the gulf and get a few of them flying around on still eves with no wind and plenty of noseeums.